Beauval ZooPark
Would you like to go to Beauval Zoo as a couple or with your family?
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Except for non-modifiable, non-cancellable offers, cancellations are not subject to a fee if they are made within the time limit of the Booking. Cancellations after this period will be charged a fee equal to the amount of the first night.
Brit Hotel Tours Sud - Le Cheops is located in Joué les Tours and has 58 comfortable rooms divided into 6 categories: from the "cosy single" to the family room via the "Privilege".
In the heart of the Loire Valley and its castles, the Brit Hotel Tours Sud - Le Cheops is ideal to welcome many tourists and many families. Parking spaces are available behind our hotel.
Companies benefit from the seminar room of the Tours Sud hotel, equipped with adequate equipment, as well as an unlimited and free WiFi connection.
Le Cheops restaurant is only open in the evening to delight our business or visiting customers. Our chef highlights, through his cuisine, the products and wines of Touraine.
Located south of Tours, Brit Hotel Cheops is easily accessible from the nearby A10 and A85 motorways. Also, quickly access the city centre of Tours thanks to the tram stop at the foot of the hotel.
Equipment available in rooms :
Equipment available in rooms :
Equipment available in rooms :
Equipment available in rooms :
Equipment available in rooms :
Equipment available in rooms :
Equipment available in rooms :
Would you like to go to Beauval Zoo as a couple or with your family?
58 rooms divided into 6 categories... From the comfort room to the business balneo room, there are for all comforts and budgets.
Our 3-star hotel in Joué-lès-Tours offers parking spaces just behind our hotel-restaurant.
With the flexible offer, travel with peace of mind. Cancellation is free of charge until 6pm on the day of arrival.
Touraine has a rich history of agriculture and market gardening! Discover our selection of producers with whom we work year after year.