Zoo Parc de Beauval
The Beauval Zoo, which is in fact a ZooPark, is located in Saint-Aignan-sur-Cher, a town 45 minutes east of our hotel in Joué-lès-Tours.
The ZooParc was created in 1980 on almost 45 hectares and has become, logically, the first French zoological park in terms of number of animals and number of visitors. It must be said that for several years now, the great Chinese Pandas have attracted the curiosity of the whole world. And it is not with the birth of a 3rd panda, named "Yuang Meng" that the soufflé will fall back. Let's remember that this species is now endangered, as the last census showed the presence of less than 2000 of these ursids.
Beauval is now classified as one of the most beautiful zoos in the world with more than 35,000 animals listed. It is quite simply the largest animal collection in France. In addition to the famous pandas mentioned above, you will come across the world of wild animals, monkeys, gorillas, koalas, okapis, manatees...
Not convinced to go to the Zoo? Take a look at these nice pictures of our animal friends... © ZooParc de Beauval
Still hesitating? Come on, we bet you won't be able to resist the call of the zoo with our dedicated package.
Hotel + Beauval Zoo package
Take advantage of your room, breakfasts included and entrance to the Zoo Park by calling us now on 0247677272. If you book directly on our website, you will have the opportunity to choose the "Adults" and "Children" options at the 2nd step of the booking!
Why should you take this opportunity?
Our establishment offers you an all-inclusive package. Your room is prepared, your breakfasts are included, you won't have to wait at the entrance of the Zoo, and most of all you can visit the rest of our region so full of tourist attractions...
Link to the Zoo website : https://www.zoobeauval.com/en/
Why not continue to the chateaux of the Loire, the day after your visit to the zoo?
Itinerary :